Pro-Planned Parenthood Students Mock Murder Of Unborn In “Abortion Cemetery”: “There’s Mine, Right There!” by Tim Brown for Freedom Outpost
GNN Note – The author of this story failed to capture the real story behind this video – the comments on YouTube. All the top comments about this video tell the real story of what people believe, what they think and their response to what these agents of the enemy have done.
Here is just a sample of the top rated comments.
Clearly, some in our culture have so seared their consciences that they no longer reason as humans, but have so marred the image of God that they bear to the point they resemble animals. One of the clearest examples comes from a recent example of pro-Planned Parenthood females who trounce through an “abortion cemetery” that was set up by pro-life advocates to mark the “Cemetery of the Innocents,” those who have been murdered via abortion.
The students were from the University of Texas – San Antonio, and they openly mocked the display, those that placed it there and the untold number of children who have been beheaded, dismembered and burned to death, who were represented at the “cemetery.”
The video of these degenerates was caught by members of the Students for Life chapter that created the display.
“Stop, hey, hey, what’s that sound, all the fetuses are in the ground!” sang one female student as she danced in the cemetery.
While bragging about murdering her own child through abortion, she led chants among the others in protest against the display and in support of Planned Parenthood.
“Look, there’s mine right there!” she said, pointing to one of the crosses representing a killed unborn child.
Another female student cried out they should “kiss in the fetus graveyard.
Abortion is my biggest “kink” the girl declared.
According to Students for Life:
Sarah Zarr, Texas Regional Coordinator for Students for Life, reported:
“At University of Texas-San Antonio, there was a protest formed against us as soon as we set up…The students who protested us are in a campus group called Students United for Planned Parenthood. Some of the members approached us, but would not dialogue. They just wanted to shout their points at us. One girl told me I was using my “white privilege” and “wasn’t allowed to be out there talking about this issue when it affects black women.” A few members did speak with us, but when they couldn’t think of a response to what we said, would get mad and walk off. Then a bunch of them came with signs and stood in front of our display shouting that we didn’t have the facts. Later they came and stood in the middle of our memorial in the grass with their signs and a girl ran out into the grass yelling “I’ve had an abortion!” They continued on by mocking our memorial that represented the 911 lives lost due to the abortions Planned Parenthood commits every day and the 911 women’s and families lives that were impacted by those abortions. Chanting things like, “Hey, stop, what’s that sound, all the fetuses are in the ground.”
Melanie Salazar is the student leader of the school’s pro-life group. Following this event, Melanie said:
“As the president of Students For Life at UTSA, one of our main goals I strive for is to create dialogue with the student body to bring awareness and to create conversation about the reality of human life and of abortion. I truly believe that we are not going to change legislation until we change hearts and minds, and we will do this by simply having conversations. I am thankful for the freedom of speech to have events like this one at our campus. I believe that empowered women empower women to choose life for their preborn child and our pro-life club wants to create a culture of life that removes fear from women in unplanned pregnancies and instead leads them to resources and opportunities. Students For Life at UTSA aims to give respect and dignity to every human life at all stages and in all circumstances. To persons who are post-abortive, we will love them without judgement and help provide healing. We ARE the Pro-Life Generation and if our event got protested like this, then we must be doing something right and be on the side of truth.”
This group also has faced repeated instances of violence, including flyers being torn down.
Despite these heartbreaking phrases they were shouting, the pro-life group was able to continue to dialogue with more reasonable passersby and share the truth about Planned Parenthood with love and boldness.
Additionally, it was reported at the University of Texas-Austin:
“A guy walked up to our table and told my student Mica: “this is bullshit” (looking at our display and info on the table). He then picked up whole stacks of our topics cards, these “women’s right to know” booklets we had, and our unsafe book that was just for display and ran off Mica chased after him and said hey that’s our property, you can’t take all of those please give them back. He kept running till he got to a gutter and threw it all in the gutter.
“We then went and filed a police report and the police said they couldn’t do anything because we were handing out the info he didn’t technically steal, even though we said not all of it was to take. He finally let us file a police report, but said charges can’t be made until they investigate.”
“What’s interesting is that we have heard that our sources are biased or “B.S.” before, but that argument holds no water. Anyone can visit and view all of our sources, which are almost all public health department reports or news stories from mainstream news sources. Some of what he threw in the gutter were those factual and non-bias sources.” Mica, an officer of the students for life group at UT, said “students just think they can get away with anything here and it stops student organizations like ours being able to table and start conversations”.
The Daily Wire added:
Last month, a Cemetery for the Innocents set up by the University of Michigan Ann Arbor’s Students for Life chapter was desecrated by pro-abortion activists. In video captured by the pro-life group, a female abortion activist is seen picking up pink crosses from the display and placing them in a black trash bag.
“Is there a reason why you’re doing this?” Kaylena Wiederhold, Students for Life’s Michigan regional coordinator, confronted the activist.
“We disagree with it,” responded the pro-abort.
Wiederhold contended, “Okay, but this isn’t your property,”
“We know that having a conversation isn’t going to work,” the vandal said in response.
But when an officer approached the activist, she changed her tune, telling authorities she was merely “cleaning up” “garbage” on campus.
“We were just cleaning up this garbage on the school campus, but we’ve realized that apparently this is someone’s property. And you’re telling us to leave it, I’m assuming?” she said.
“Correct. And they do have a permit, like she explained to you,” the officer answered.
Perhaps, arresting these little girls who promote murder and bringing justice against them might actually teach them a lesson rather than just talking to them.
Thankfully, there are young people who are standing up and not bowing to the beast system that encourages them to murder their own children.
They are touring as “The Planned Parenthood Truth” tour.
If you want to learn more, please visit